These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.
Definition of Terms
- A forum is a question or general topic area of interest such as an EWG in a Codex Committee that serves to organise postings to the bulletin board.
- A thread is a beginning question or statement posted within a forum.
- A response is a posting in response to thread.
Guidelines on Codex Electronic Working Groups
The search for worldwide consensus and for greater acceptability of Codex Standards requires the involvement of all the Members of Codex and the active participation of developing countries.
Special efforts are needed to enhance the participation of developing countries in Codex Committees, by increased use of written communications, especially through remote participation via email, internet and other modern technologies, in the work done between sessions of Committees. # - The Codex Alimentarius Discussion Forums encourage frank and open contributions with participants speaking freely. This will ensure the group can reach the best possible decisions in a collaborative spirit of openness and transparency. #
Membership of an electronic working group is notified to the chairperson of the Codex Committee and to the host country secretariat of the Committee.
When establishing an electronic working group, a Codex Committee should ensure, as far as possible, that the membership is representative of the membership of the Commission. # - Observers should notify the Chairperson of the Committee and the host country secretariat of the Committee, of their wish to participate in a working group. Observers may participate in all the activities of an electronic working group, unless otherwise specified by Committee members. #
- Any participant should be made aware of the materials contributed by all others. #
The search for worldwide consensus and for greater acceptability of Codex Standards requires the involvement of all the Members of Codex and the active participation of developing countries.
- Signatures may contain up to five lines of normal sized text OR a single image that is no more than 60px high, 468px wide, 10KiB (10240 bytes) in size and one line of small sized text. The font size of signatures should be normal or small only. #
- Content in signatures should be consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum etiquette. You may not include hidden text or links. #